Thursday, 30 September 2010

The Philosophy of Self Defense

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Greetings everyone, this is your Minister of Defense with a note on the philosophy behind self defense. This was written in an effort to de-mystify some of the perception of self defense, or what some might call martial arts training. Let us start by learning what self defense is. It is not about physical self defense lessons, (although we would love to have you take a class). Self defense should not be intimidating, for it is something that we should all posses in my opinion. As a self defense instructor, I am perplexed as to the rather cavalier attitude some have about learning basic self defense techniques.

Thinking that nothing will ever happen to them because they are living in a gated community or have a husband with a martial arts background. Furthermore, self defense is not about complicated martial arts moves that take years to memorize. Moreover, self defense is not about buying self defense weapons or products thinking that just because you have pepper spray, stun guns, or Tasers, you will be automatically protected. These weapons and products do serve as a good deterrent, but there is one component that is missing.

Without subscribing to the correct mindset, all the martial arts moves, and self defense lessons, and self defense products in the world will be of no use to you when it counts! Now let's talk about what self defense is and should be. Self defense starts with the matter located in between the ears...the mind. Some of us are more timid by nature, as such, learning the basics of self preservation either through, martial arts training, or self defense lessons , should really be considered. Self defense is also about having enough confidence to decide from the start that you will not be a victim. Knowing that we are all forms of energy, it is up to you to decide what type of vibes you are broadcasting to the world. In nature, the predator will pick out the weak based on posture, and it is no different with humans.

For the most part, people with less than honorable intentions will prey on those who do not display confidence versus someone who walks with confidence and looks others straight in the eye. So what type of person are you? One that knows you need to do something about having the correct mindset, or are you a pro-active person that decided to no longer be a victim?

At Xcellent Solutions LLC, we have a solution for you. The question is what are you going to do about your safety and self defense for you and your family? As a decorated 10 year US Air Force veteran with training from all around the world in Jiujitsu, I want to help. I have taken all my years of training and distilled only what really works and created a system of simple yet effective techniques that anyone can learn. My passion is to help men, women and children learn these simple techniques, thereby making you more prepared if an attack should occur.

Xavier Smith
Founder, Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur

Self Defense Weapons - What Is The Best Weapon For Self Defense?

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If you are thinking of purchasing a gun, or other "self-protection" device such as pepper spray or an alarm, then you are obviously concerned about your personal safety. You know it is essential to learn how to defend yourself, now more than ever! Today, not only do you have to worry about criminals, but now terrorists as well! What is this world coming to? Would you know what to do?

You may be thinking, "Well, I'll just get a gun!" Unfortunately, real-world tests have shown that overall , weapons (or other "self-defense" products) are often ineffective when it comes to self-defense. Why?

There are many factors that contribute, but the main reason weapons are ineffective is, if the weapon is not in your hand at the moment of attack, you will never get the chance to use it! But, the law does not allow you to walk around with a gun in your hand, and most studies show that people soon forget to carry the various types of self-protection devices they purchase.

Even if you have a stun gun or pepper spray in your purse or pocket, if caught by surprise, you won't have a chance to get it out before you get decked! Mace does you no good if it is still in the purse that just got snatched out of your hand! Tests prove that 90% of the time, you will never get the chance to reach for your weapon before you are hurt too severely to use it.

FBI statistics and Police reports from all over the country show that in more than half of all instances where the victim was able to get to a "weapon" (usually sprays are mentioned), the attacker knocked it out of their hand before they could use it. Police files are filled with tens of thousands of incidents of weapons taken away from the victim and used against them! It is estimated that almost one third of all gunshot victims are shot with their own gun! The figures are even higher when it comes to stun-guns and sprays.

This doesn't even include all of the incidences where the victim shoots themselves! Accidental discharge is the leading cause of gunshot wounds in both crime and non-crime reports. You may think that wouldn't happen to you, but the reports prove that it happens to even experienced gun owners.

I know of a Police officer, even after extensive training , the first time he tried to use Mace against an unruly suspect, ended up spraying himself.

Unfortunately, most people have little or no training as to the safe and proper use of the weapons in their possession. Inadequate, or even improper training is the leading cause of accidental discharge involving guns, stun-guns and sprays. What do you think will happen when they attempt to use that weapon under the stress of a real attack?

There are literally millions of incidents reported where the victim couldn't get the weapon to work at all, mainly because of inadequate training! Even the most basic principles of weapon usage are often overlooked by owners. The figures are stunning (pun intended) of the number of incidents of stun guns that didn't work when needed because of dead batteries!

There are thousands upon thousands of reports of guns that wouldn't fire because the safety was on, and the user didn't know, forgot, or was too panicked to figure it out in time. In at least one incident I am aware of, the victim couldn't get his weapon to fire before the criminal took it away from him. Lucky for him, the criminal couldn't figure it out either.

Defective or Fraudulent Products

I'm sure you have purchased products that didn't quite work as advertised. How can you be sure that the pepper spray you buy will work as well as advertised, if at all? How will you test it? Spray yourself? Spray a friend? We're not talking about perfume! I doubt you will get any volunteers to help you.

When the criminal attacks, it is too late to find out that the pepper spray is really just vinegar, or that the 10 million volt stun-gun doesn't deliver much more of a shock than shuffling across the carpet and touching a doorknob.

If you buy a police radar detector that is guaranteed to work, but doesn't, the result is a speeding ticket. If you buy "self-protection weapons" that don't work, the result can be severe injury or even death. Relying on someone else's guarantee is only a false sense of security that will only have bad results!

If you are serious about Self-Protection, your best self defense weapon is your mind . If you think about what has just been discussed, you will realize that 'weapons' will only help you in ideal situations, and even then, you need to keep a clear head to be able to use them properly.

But, crime doesn't happen in ideal situations!

Being able to think clearly, and knowing what to do, is your best weapon when it comes to self-defense. Second best is being able to use your feet. Now, that doesn't mean to start kicking! It means that at the first sign of trouble, you need to RUN! Escape is always a much better self-defense tactic than getting into a struggle or a fight.

However, if you can't get away, your body is your best self-defense weapon! Since you cannot always have a weapon in your hand, it is essential that you know how to defend yourself without weapons. But mindless flailing against an attacker does you no good at all. You need to learn the most vulnerable points on the human body. But even that isn't enough if you don't know the most effective ways to strike them. You need to learn how to kick, not just where to kick.

Everyone should at least take a basic self-defense course .

What about Martial Arts?

Traditional Martial Arts are great for disciple, self-confidence, and exercise. They can help to produce the correct mindset needed when faced with a self-defense situation. But it usually takes several years to become proficient in the more complex techniques.

If you have the time to commit to a long-term training program, by all means, a martial art will provide the most comprehensive training. However, just as in choosing a self-defense weapon, you must do your homework before choosing a martial arts program. Many don't deliver the comprehensive training they promise, and most don't train you for realistic self-defense.

Far too many martial arts programs focus greatly on sports and competition. Sports and competition oriented martial arts are worthless as self-defense. They teach you to follow rules, and for the most part, there are no rules in a street fight. If you are conditioned to follow the rules, you can't do what is necessary in a dangerous situation. In fact, you will probably do the wrong thing, and get yourself hurt or even killed.

Seek out a training program that focuses almost exclusively on realistic self-defense scenario training.

Knowing how to handle yourself when confronted with violence is your only insurance against becoming a victim, or just another statistic in a police report. You have car insurance, home-owner's insurance, life insurance, health insurance...

What insurance do you have against being the victim of a violent crime? That type of insurance is only available through proper training. A long-term self-defense program offers the most comprehensive training, and therefore, the best opportunity to learn to handle almost any situation that may occur. However, if you don't have the time to commit to a long-term program, at least some form of weaponless self-defense training is better than none.


If you are serious about self-protection, your best bet is to first learn weaponless self-defense. Then, if you still want to purchase a weapon, do your homework before choosing the best weapon for you, and don't just read the instructions that come with it and think you are ready to use it.

Take a class on how to use it effectively, how to handle it safely, and how to maintain it so it works when you need it.
Take regular refresher courses so you don't forget anything about the weapon.
Follow all maintenance procedures on a regular basis.

Your best bet is to learn weaponless self-defense and get the best weapon for you. Remember, you will never feel safe until you have all the tools necessary for self-protection. And the most important weapon of all is your own mind and body!


Strong, Sanford - Strong on Defense ; Simon & Shuster, Inc.; 1996

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Uniform Crime Report ; 2000

Mark Jordan is a 5th Degree Black Belt in Budoshin Jujitsu, Vice-president of the American Ju-Jitsu Association, the head coach of the Harvard-Westlake High School Jujitsu team, and a Certified Self-Defense Instructor with the International Association of Close Combat Professionals. You may find out how to contact him for training, or read more of his articles by visiting his website:

Why Martial Arts is a Good Technique For Self Defense

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Martial arts offer a systematic training to the persons who like to physically conquer the opponents' or defend against the possible threats. This training can be given in any of the five categories like-- Striking or Stand-Up Styles, low impact styles, grappling styles, MMA (A Hybrid Sports Style) and weapons based styles. Boxing, Karate, Kung Fu, Kickboxing, Kali, Judo, shoot fighting, wrestling etc are included in the various categories. Violence and crime may different in various situations. Different type of martial arts uplifts the self esteem and confidence to the people. It also provides physical fitness and discipline to the people.

Now most of the Self defense training centers are teaching any one of martial arts as a security measure. As a self defensive technique, this art have the capacity to defend against the attacks so as to save the lives of the people. In the current societies violence can expect at any time at any moment. Defending personally against a violence will surely improves the self esteem of people.

Karate, JuJitsu and Kung Fu will provide extensive opportunity to keep fitness of the body. It also improves the co-ordination of each and every area of the body, muscle strength and fitness. Muscle strength and flexibility of the body is highly essential to meet the attack of the intruders.

Before going to study this arts for Self defense, you must consider the methods which are most suitable for you. Your age, physical fitness, competition etc are major factors depend on the selection of martial arts.

Jujitsu is considered as one of the best martial arts, that is using world wide as a Self defense mechanism. These arts are used by different military and police trainers all over the world. It can be used by any one in any situation and it will work in all most all real life situations.

Learning martial arts helps to identify the major pressure points of the human body. This is highly beneficial in the self defensive actions. Learning real life street fighting techniques is very found useful for the women. Anybody can learn this art, but practice and focused mind win the game. A well practiced martial art expert can easily escape from the dangerous situations easily.

Learn more about online self defense training and get free self defense instructions, online.

Using the Hanbo for Practical Self-Defense - Martial Arts Weapon - the Hanbo

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What is the hanbo in your life?

This is a simple question that the user of a martial arts weapon should ask about any weapon they pick up to train with. How does this skill help them in their life? For some weapons, we have a curiosity and an interest based on the weapon itself. However, there can also be a deeper connection - this weapon can be practice for real self defense.

The hanbo, a three-foot stick that I have discussed the history of in one of my other articles, is a prime example. On the battlefields of feudal Japan, it was an incidental weapon, something used in a pinch. For us today, it is probably one of the most important weapons we can use! What items around us are stick-like and about three feet long?

An umbrella

A cane or walking stick

A long-handled ice scraper in the car

A squeegee

A stick in the forest

A piece of rebar

A poster tube

An undrawn sword, or a sword in a bag (for the martial artists)

Plenty of other things, the list goes on and on.

Each of the items above can be used in many if not all of the same ways as a hanbo. Some might even have MORE uses, like the ice scraper or the squeegee, both of which have other things attached to the end of the stick that could also be used to subdue an attacker. Look around your house, your workplace, the stores you shop in. If you were assaulted right NOW, there would be plenty of hanbo-like objects all around you. Try this with any weapon you study - look around and find things that are like that weapon. How are they the same? How are they different? What can you do with one that you can't with the other?

The hanbo represents a very simple and ever-present shape for us, the short stick-like object. These sorts of things are all over. Even a rolled-up newspaper or magazine can be used in a similar way to apply a choke or a jabbing strike. My suggestion - try out the hanbo today. Get one and start working out with it, get a feel for it, and keep looking in the outside-the-training-floor world for 'hanbo' objects.

James A. Kelley, founder of [] has studied the martial arts of Japan for over ten years. His passion for the martial arts is equalled only by his passion for the history of Japan. A veteran traveller, James has lived in eight countries and has travelled to many more. He has visited historical locations in Japan and China in his research and training, and has trained in more than ten different martial arts. He holds a Black Belt rank and trains daily. In his free time, he handmakes martial arts supplies for serious practioners, available at his website [].

Self Defense Martial Arts Videos

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Martial arts have been around for thousands of years. It certainly cannot be thought as a fad. You should no be put off by the thought of Bruce Lee flying through the air. The idea behind it is martial arts but martial arts will definitely not make you fly through the air or jump from one building to another.

Some people learn marital arts such as Taekwondo and Karate for self defense. They attend classes to learn the moves and master them. These are forms of martial arts that do not require arms. Learning martial arts such as Taekwondo and Karate takes years to master. However, some people may not have the time to take up these classes. These people turn to self defense martial arts videos.

Do not get me wrong. I am not saying that these videos can substitute the martial arts classes you go to. These videos are just the basic idea of self defense martial arts. You should never think that just by watching a video you can fight. These self defense videos are not as effective as martial arts classes. As mentioned earlier, it gives you just a basic idea of how self defense martial arts videos.

However, some martial arts schools do offer such training videos. These self defense martial arts videos which are being sold by martial arts schools cater to people who do not have time to attend classes. These 'students' then have to go back to the school to be assessed In order to proceed to then next phase of the video.

Some videos such as ones sold at a video store or the ones that are available on the internet are not as good and not as effective as the ones sold by martial arts school. Most self defense martial arts videos that are available online are not demonstrated by professionals. Sometimes looking for a good quality video online can be quite tedious.

However, if you are keen and serious about martial arts for self defense, it is advisable that you go about learning it properly. Martial art if not learnt properly can cause serious and unnecessary injuries to you and others. Make sure that you learn it from a professional.

Self-defense is important, especially for women. You can learn more about self-defense by visiting this website for more information ==> There are also some self-defense videos that you can learn too.

Self Defense Moves to Become a Better Fighter!

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Having a mixture of martial arts types from different countries and cultures will help diversify your range of motion and skill for your body type. Increasing your fitness and muscular endurance while preparing you physically and psychology for the types of assaults and attacks.

Depending on what art you choose you may even learn some good self defense drills and techniques from these types of martial arts!

Many people ask if the modern day black belt teaching martial arts is actually equipped with real experience for teaching self defense and martial arts from a street attack perspective. After all, martial arts are designed to defend ones self, and if you are being taught theory and rehearsed drills you will suffer badly in a real assault and defense.

You need to be able to incorporate the fight stress element, the real feel of pain and the ability to adapt to the stress levels and perform with set drills and tools to defend and cause damage with using various strikes, pressure points, street fighting kicks & punches fired off round after round while maintaining mental calm and breathing fully.

I recommend from personal experience that you incorporate different types of martial arts styles and design your own combat system based on your skill level, your body type, your size, your range of speed, your timing, your instincts, and your abilities acquired through training.

Hone in on what works that requires ruthless aggression and meditate on being the aggressor in a real street fight and attack with reckless abandon. Be sure to cover up block and defend but also attack with fury, intelligently with a calm and relaxed mind. Utilize the best techniques that you can mentally absorb and memorize for easier deployment amongst the various styles you practice.

To make things flow easier grab the best techniques from every style through taking classes, or absorbing them through books, online videos and of course actual physical practice. Remember that in a street assault there is no such thing as Hollywood style moves that work.

Focus on what works keeping the fight on your feet with you as the dominant aggressor, no matter how badly the outlook may seem. Remember to use common sense and judgment. Just the other day I had a thug bump into me on the subway system. He called me on to fight, I shrugged him off apologized and walked away from a possible situation.

Thankfully I walked away because within a minute he had two thug friends appear out of nowhere I would have had to fight if I blew my cool and allowing myself to fight for a lame reason.

You want your depth of types of martial arts and self defense knowledge to be as full & complete as possible adding in new tested information and throwing away what doesn't work. Remember to only practice and use what works in real life hand to hand combat.

Secondly do serious weight training and daily stretching and exercising to better physically condition yourself for any possible attacks.

Something I recommend you do right now is downloading my two free self defense reports that reveal brutal self defense tactics for free!

Get a blackbelt education for free and get armed to the teeth with fighting knowledge! Get your 2 self defense reports at:

You can take your self defense and martial arts training to whole new levels when you read these shocking tell all reports. Based on my experience fighting behind prison bars, I show you real techniques and dirty self defense techniques to dominate and destroy!

The Karate Myth - 3 Common Myths About Martial Arts Training That Can Get You Killed on the Street!

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The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.

Did you know that most adults quit martial arts training during their first 100 days? When asked why they quit, the number 1 answer was, "the lack of realistic self defense training!"

But, how is this possible? After all, isn't the reason you learn a martial art is so you can defend and survive against an attack in a real self defense situation?

In this article, I want to talk about some of the myths and false-beliefs that make up what I call, "The Karate-Myth." Because, it is these beliefs, assumptions, and illusions about the martial arts - and the people who teach them - that can put you in even more danger!

Myth #1 - A Black Belt means you can defend yourself. Just like a college degree, this false belief focuses on the symbol of knowledge, rather than the ability to produce results. A black belt, or whatever belt, sash, patch or certificate is being used to measure rank and progress in a particular system, is just that - a symbol of progress through a syllabus of skills and training material.

In the case of my own Warrior Concepts Mastery System, any particular rank, just as with a college degree, says that the student has the necessary tools and knowledge. However, it will be up to that person to be able to put that knowledge and those skills to proper use in a real-world situation - it is the student's responsibility to "make it work."

As a side note, please remember that it is easy for anyone to go online, or into a martial arts supply store, and purchase a black belt. The point here is that the ability is not contained in some magical "black belt." Ability is reflected in the thought, words, and actions of the person who possesses them - regardless of whether or not a belt is ever worn!

Myth #2 - All martial arts were designed for self defense. Again, here is another false-belief that is born of assumption, not research. There are many schools of martial arts that have absolutely nothing to do with combat.

In fact, the martial arts action star, Jackie Chan, attained his skills in just such a school. In his autobiography, he tells of how his father took him to this school, which focused on producing martial arts actors and stunt men.

And, even if a particular martial art was initially developed for combat, there is no guarantee that it was not "watered-down" over time and converted into a system for meditation, fitness, or any of a dozen other non-combative purposes.

Myth #3 - All martial arts instructors can teach you how to defend yourself. This is probably THE most dangerous assumption of them all. Because, even if the person has achieved the rank of black belt (see my comment about buying one above), and he or she studied a combat-oriented system of martial arts...

...this is still no guarantee that this person knows what it's like in a real attack situation.

There is a belief that trophies and tournament fighting is the best way to test your self defense skills. I completely disagree. In fact, the very system of rules and "fairness" that exists in any sport, including boxing, mixed martial arts and UFC fights, and martial arts tournaments, runs contrary to the reality of "no-rules" on the street!

The black belt around a martial arts instructor's waist is a sign of his progress and rank - the amount of information he or she possess and can share with you. It does not represent the experience - the real-world knowledge they earned in the "school of hard-knocks."

While it is true that there are charlatans out there who are misrepresenting themselves. And, there are countless schools of martial arts advertising "self-defense" in their ads and store-fronts.

But, it can be our own misconceptions and self-imposed assumptions that prevent us from checking them out and insuring that what you are learning is indeed what you will need to win!

Are you looking for effective, time-tested, and proven self defense skills? Do you want to know how to defend and survive against a bigger, stronger attacker - or even multiple assailants? Download the free Self Defense ebook called, "Fight Smarter - Not Harder!", right now and learn the secrets to mastering the art of effective, real-world self defense against today's violent attackers.

Here's the link:

Jeffrey M. Miller is an internationally-recognized self defense expert. He teaches hundreds of clients every month how to develop the necessary skills to go from potential victim to prepared survivor! Jeff says, "If you want to be able to defend yourself in a real-world self defense situation, then I can teach you what you need to know to defend yourself against any attacker - guaranteed!"

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

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Martial arts self defense-3 methods Martial Arts Self defense training Will Get One more Shape

Exercise is the way to enter and stay in shape. Arts martial training is one of the best ways to get the necessary exercise. As a benefit, it provides a way for a learn to defend themselves in a situation of self-defense. In this article we will show you three ways martial arts self-defense training will receive a better format.

The man needs exercise, both physically as mentally to enjoy a better life. Strength, endurance and flexibility are vital as we age continue to appreciate the things we do.Weakness, pain and stiffness are the enemies of the martial arts self-defense personnelle.Formation enjoyment is an excellent way to enter and stay in shape at any age.


Just take the time to do any type of strength training will begin to penetrate the body in better forme.Arts martial training requires and teaches several simple musculation.Pompes types and sit - ups made correctly, start the exercise routines. Very soon it each day to start an exercise routine.


Stretching muscles creates flexibility to avoid the blessures.Étirement before and after training and the arts martial training is paramount. The most flexible is more it is easy to make and learn new techniques of self-defense. Simple stretching exercises can be performed at any time.Even when of driving by car or seated at the desk.


Endurance or endurance ensures that it can continue to do what they enjoy.In a scenario of self-defense a victim needs a supply of abundant endurance to defeat an attacker.Even a short walk everyday begins building .the swimming endurance is a great way to build strength, flexibility and endurance .Formation technical self-defense or martial arts will provide one with yet more than these three practice, improve lives.

You want to learn more about how to protect you in self defence scenario? go to and free download page 6 self defense consulting report.

The classes of martial arts more traditional you do not train life meetings réelles.Apprenez to avoid yourself in a bad situation.Mais if you are face to face with serious injury or death, you will have mastered the skills needed to survive by following these simple systems.

Martial arts self defense-2 technical to protect a device martial arts attacks with a pistol.

Confrontations involving a gun self-defense in general are on the front or back. Attacks at the front are often easier to handle. The victim may see the weapon, the proximity of the attacker, hand where is the gun and actions and reactions of the aggressor. In this article, we'll show you two technical martial arts to defend against an attack with a firearm in front.

Martial artsTechnique # 1

If the attacker is within arms reach the victim should increase their hands slowly. When the hands are at approximately at the same level that the gun using nearest hand weapon to block the wrist of the hand of the gun fire line.Catch the wrist while at the same time use hand opposite to retrieve the Canon.Utiliser both hands to push the arms up and on the attackers shoulder. With sufficient force, the attacker can be driven back ground.

Martial arts Technique # 2

Once more the victim should raise their hands lentement.Quand hands are on the same level that the gun victim should move slightly outside of the hand of the gun.Take the attackers from the outside and use time even hand the opposite hand driving finger in their poignet.Les two-handed lets point the gun to the body of the aggressors and it wrench out of their reach.This technique is usually leave them with a broken finger and immense pain and defender in possession of the weapon.

You want to learn more about how to protect you in self defence scenario? go to and download report of self-defence tips page 6 for free.

The classes of martial arts more traditional you do not train life meetings réelles.Apprenez to avoid yourself in a bad situation.Mais if you are face to face with serious injury or death, you will have mastered the skills needed to survive by following these simple systems.

Martial arts self defense-3 responses for the beginning of martial arts self defense training

Start of something new creates questions requiring a response. Beginning of arts martial training can cause a lot of fear and hesitation. Just the thought of having to defend yourself in a situation self-defense is enough to not even want to try. In this article, we'll answer three fears begin martial arts self-defense training.

Arts East - martial training really for me?

The single largest issue for most. The answer to this lies in those own spirit. Why do you want to participate in the training? Is there a particular reason to start?Learn how to protect you and others.For the better as physics and mentale.Pour begin competing with the autres.Avoir can be aggressive, is not a good reason.

In can really know to defend myself in martial arts self defense training?

The answer to that, it depends.The ability to defend oneself is in direct proportion to the quantity of training a black belt est.Une not formed many years is not better in defending themselves that a person who never took a self-defense. muscle memory techniques course is lost without constant and consistent training. Of course not every meeting self-defense will end positively if one is a multi degree black belt. Knowing the basic principles will however benefit.

I touched in a martial arts training class?

Is the answer to this, you devez.Des more athletic efforts create some type of pain.Being hurt or injured are essential to proper techniques learning.Without being injured in training gives a false sense of accomplishment .If one simply through proposals that they will be surprised and eventually unable to defend themselves in a real life self-defense situation if they are injured.

You want to learn more about how to protect you in self defence scenario? go to and download report of self-defence tips page 6 for free.

The classes of martial arts more traditional you do not train life meetings réelles.Apprenez to avoid yourself in a bad situation.Mais if you are face to face with serious injury or death, you will have mastered the skills needed to survive by following these simple systems.

Martial arts self defense-3 technical martial arts with the fingers in a situation of self defence

Martial arts experts use their hands as weapons in a meeting of self-defense. A handgun can be used to introduce or a strike of the attacker. Fingers and fingers can also be used as a weapon in a life-threatening situation. In this article, we will show you three techniques using the fingers and the fingers.

Punches are not only use the hand in a scenario of self-defense. Depending on the situation and the distance between the attacker fingers and hand joints can be used techniques of martial arts effectively.Extreme pain created or disabling the abuser is complete crucial.Forcer and follow through is required with any technique of martial arts and self-defense.

Hand spear

The tips of fingers are contact.Les fingers point are forced together by pouce.La strike may aim at throat or diaphragm. With sufficient force to the trachea or diaphragm the attacker can be rendered helpless because of a lack of oxygen.

Two fingers

The index and middle finger are contact points. Strikes are intended eyes.A strike to blind eyes can temporarily the attacker.It can also produce a sympathetic nervous response, eyes tearing up, sufficient to allow evacuation.

Average finger joint

The middle finger joint can be used much like the fingertips with martial arts spear hand technique.Fingers are bent Joint Center with your thumb, forcing ensemble.Les finger strikes are throat or the energetic strike diaphragme.Une can make a powerless attacker due to a lack of oxygen.

You want to learn more about protecting yourself in a scenario of self defence?
Go to and download report of self-defence tips page 6 for free.

The classes of martial arts more traditional you do not train life meetings réelles.Apprenez to avoid yourself in a bad situation.Mais if you are face to face with serious injury or death, you will have mastered the skills needed to survive by following these simple systems.

Most martial arts & self defense programs are completely wrong for the Middle-Aged men and women!

Which either you or non-trained in a program of class or martial arts formal self defence, I'm sure to have the same perception trained martial artist as young men, adapt and very athletic. And yet, these guys is actually the least likely to be attacked in a self-defence situation.

That they are "more" likely to enter into a control, or to be attracted by the allure and reputation of sport or mixed martial arts - karate are not the generally victim of an attack of street self defence.

This article explains this and several other reasons why most defence programs and martial arts self are bad when it comes to equip women and older men with the skills necessary for effective self against an actual attack of an attacker real world defence.

As emphasized in self defence book called, "the karate-myth", there are some myths and misconceptions that our society has, as a whole that get your effective learning real self defense .the ' one of them is the idea that simply because someone has a black belt in this or martial art, means automatically as it or it can defend itself against an attacker anti-organisation or criminal Street.

Désolé.Tout simply step so much.

In fact, many systems of martial arts are not focused on the modern self, real world defence.

Execution of some really cool skills...Yes.

Automatic protection... not.

The reality is that for women, the concept of self-defence is something very difficile.Non not because there is none to defend in a woman of self defence situation, but because the human approximately two and 2.5 times more powerful than the victim attacker even the best scenario includes a woman!

It is vrai.Si you had to undergo a man and a woman, side-by-side and all things were equal...

Same height, weight, size

Same level of fitness

Even health, indeed...

All things considered as...

It should always be outgunned by a 2 to 1 ratio!

And when we think about the average man or woman of the age, we get the idea that they probably...

Are not very appropriate, sporting or fast

Have not exercised since high school (if they were active then), or...

Are very conservative when it comes to traitant assault or want to combat

That means that, how committed they are to learn to defend themselves, the less likely that they are to remain in a program that attempts to transform in the equivalent of a 20 year old male.

Explains probably why typical old man, middle or woman falls training martial arts in the first 100 fact jours.En, where these people were interviewed studies show that it was because it did had real not as self defence offered training for these students knew that they would face if they were really never attacked.

The point here is that, if you are seriously of self-defence, and you can relate to what I spoke here - if you, yourself, a woman or a middle-aged State...then you must ensure that you find a program, or at least a good study of home - books and videos - giving you what you need...

For you...

Not for young man, macho, who think that defend yourself is more delicate testosterone-driven moves and 6-pack abs, that does not get broken, broken, or killed by some lunatic Bishop will be policy, or be impressed by this cool black belt around your size!

Effective self defense requires more than a few "Karate place."This is the ability to think strategically and understand how to defend yourself with as little-and-wear you as possible.

If you really want to know what most people don't know how to defense master self and how to survive an actual attack Street, read my most recent book of self-defence: "fighting Smarter - not harder!"It is available free of charge to the:

Jeffrey M. Miller is an internationally known experte.Chaque month self defence he taught literally thousands of students through the live seminars, corporate training events and his self defence course, lessons in order to survive in the world often dangerous today online.

Sean Sherk besejrer Evan Dunham ved UFC 119 af Split beslutning

The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.

Sean Sherk vs. Evan Dunham at UFC 119.? The old guard vs. the new guard.? Enough said.? Here's how it went down.

The two were cautious early on, with Sherk landing a low kick and Dunham connecting with punches.? Then Sherk shot in for the takedown, picked Dunham up, and put him on the ground while caught in a guillotine.? But being the veteran that he is, Sherk moved to Dunham's half guard and waited the attempt out before starting in with some mild ground and pound.? Some time later, Dunham got up, but found himself eating some strikes along the wall before getting taken down hard again.??Still, he?got up once more and nearly caught his opponent in a guillotine for the second time.? From there, Dunham took Sherk's back, lost the position, and ate a huge Sherk elbow that cut him over his right eye badly.? After a brief stoppage to look at the cut, the two found themselves on their feet as the bell tolled.

Close first round.? That cut is horrific.

Sherk connected with a couple of nice punches early in the second round, took Dunham down, nearly got caught in a guillotine, and then let him up again (getting to be a pattern).? Sherk?continually pressed him up against the cage wall, always leaving himself open to a near-gullotine attempt.? Still, he got another takedown.

And, of course, Dunham got back up again.? For the rest of the stanza, Dunham connected with nice knees and punches.? Though Sherk did fire back, he didn't land with the same authority.

Another close round.? This is a hard fight to call.

Early in the third round, Dunham connected with a high kick that dizzied his opponent.? But that didn't stop "The Muscle Shark" from shooting in for a takedown attempt soon after.? Eventually, that led to a short-lived takedown.? As soon as Dunham got up, the former UFC champion landed a knee up against the cage wall.? Upon a separation, Dunham used his reach to once again to connect with punches.? And that was the story for the rest of the round, as Dunham connected with huge knees, punches, and front kicks on his way to an obvious round in his favor.

The first two rounds were close.? The third wasn't.? Did anyone give Sherk both of the first two stanzas?

Two judges did.? And that was all he needed.

Sean Sherk defeats Evan Dunham by split decision.

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UFC 119 Results

Matt Mitrione defeats Joey Beltran

Mir KO's Cro Cop

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UFC 119 Weigh I resultater

UFC 119?Weigh i resultater - alle gjort vægt for deres respektive søvnanfald tonight.? se nedenfor for?our full?results.

UFC 119 Weigh Ins

Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic (227) vs. Frank Mir (252)

Antonio Rogério Nogueira (205) vs. Ryan Bader (205)

Matt Serra (170) vs. Chris Lytle (171)

Sean Sherk (155) vs. Evan Dunham (156)

Melvin Guillard (155) vs. Jeremy Stephens (155)

CB Dollaway (186) vs. Joe Doerksen (186)

Thiago Tavares (155) vs. Pat Audinwood (156)

Matt Mitrione (253) vs. Joey Beltrán (239)

Sean McCorkle (263) vs. Mark Hunt (265)

TJ Grant (170) vs. Julio Paulino (170)

Steve Lopez (156) vs. Waylon Lowe (154)

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UFC 119 resultater

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UFC 119 Fight Card

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Mariusz Pudzianowski TKO'S Butterbean ved KSW 14

Eric "Butterbean" Esch har kæmpet i MMA før, men tilsyneladende at erfaring sammenfattes ikke ham, meget på linjen i jorden skills.? sammen med dette, tidligere verdens stærkeste mand Mariusz Pudzianowski tog ham på lørdag, ?moved to?side kontrol, og derefter sluttede sin nat temmelig hurtigt ved KSW 14 med stempler.

Da kampen fandt sted i Polen, Pudzianowski blev afgjort en crowd favorite.?, jeg ikke kan sige, det er en overraskelse, at han besejrede sin 44 år gamle opponent.? derefter igen, jeg havde forventet mere from?Butterbean end en hurtig og temmelig pinligt første runde tab.

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UFC 119 Fight Card

UFC 119 Predictions

UFC 119 resultater

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Ryan Bader besejrer Antonio Rogério Nogueira efter beslutning

Ryan Bader var TUF 8 mester på showet, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira coachet on.? for sin lillebror, Antonio Rogério Nogueira, var helt sikkert et sundt beløb af respekt for sin opponent?coming i deres UFC 119 matche.

Her er, hvordan det gik ned.

Den oprindelige halvdelen af første runde så meget lidt action.? men bader sidst tog Nogueira ned, hvor han pounded på ham unmercifully for et par moments.?, selvom de store slår tidspunkt når Little Nog erfaringer guard, bader fortsat en konstant strøm af effektiv jorden og pund indtil et minut mærket when?his opponent?got up.? while opretstående, mindre Nogueira bror landet hårdt ret, fik taget, og så fik før klokken.

Ryan Bader vinder runde én.

Anden runde så Nogueira kommer ud af noget aggressivt på hans feet.?, sagde, meget få slår ved to boksere landede indtil om halvvejs mærket af runde når bader vundet en takedown.? nogle terræn og pund fulgte før de to krigere kom til deres feet.? the resten af the?stanza oplevede bader slynge Nogueira omkring et øjeblik og lander et hårdt højre hånd.

Nogueira behov sandsynligvis en standsning for at vinde.

Den tredje runde oplevede Nogueira forbinde med nogle nice stempler tidligt og løbe fra flere tøver ikke med attempts.? stadig, Bader?finally lykkedes i taking?down hans modstander på omkring tre minutters mærket, men kunne ikke gøre noget med det (Little Nog fik). ?From der, den brasilianske fighter begyndte at langsomt dominerer bevoksningen op, hvor du bliver bedt om bader at gå hårdt til en overlast, som han endelig opnået hen til slutningen af fight.? der han executed?some mild jorden og pund før klokken.

Ikke de mest spændende fight.? Nogueira tog runde tre i min udtalelse; bader fortjener sandsynligvis de første to runder og en beslutning.

Dommerne aftalt vinderen, selv hvis de ikke giver Little Nog sidste. strofe.

Ryan Bader overgår Antonio Rogério Nogueira ved enstemmig afgørelse.

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UFC 119 resultater

Sherk besejrer Dunham

Lytle besejrer Serra

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Matt Mitrione vs. Joey Beltrán UFC 119 resultater - Mitrione vinder efter beslutning

The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.

Former NFL football player Matt Mitrione comes from Indiana.? So the fact that he took on Joey Beltran?in the Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis at UFC 119 meant that he was the crowd favorite coming in.? But would the hometown?fans prove to be beneficial for him or just another stressor?

Mitrione came out aggressive early in the first, throwing lots of punches and even a head kick, which served to keep Beltran on his bicycle.? Though most of his early strikes were grazing, as time went on, he began using combinations of low kicks, high kicks, and punches very effectively.? But then during a big time exchange, Beltran followed up a nice right with several right hands in close.? That led to a takedown for the Mexican fighter.? With Beltran bleeding on him from a cut over his eye, Mitrione kept an active guard, which included a couple of failed kimura attempts.? Along the way, Beltran landed some solid ground and pound.? With about 50 seconds left in the stanza, Beltran achieved the North-South position.? Mitrione did move to a better position eventually, missed on a triangle attempt, and found himself in Beltran's side mount at the bell.

Close round.? That said, Beltran's push at the end should?net him the stanza.

The second round started with a decent exchange before Mitrione was able to shirk a Beltran takedown attempt.? Later in the stanza, the two fighters traded several shots, with Beltran edging his opponent in the exchanges.? But then Mitrione connected with a hard three punch combination that stunned his adversary.? Beltran followed that up moments later with a nice combination of his own.? Soon after, the former NFL player shirked a takedown attempt, took a knee to the gut, and fought off of the cage wall with multiple punches.??He then?landed some nice leg kicks before an exchange.? Mitrione ended the round with a couple of nice kicks, including a front kick, with a solid punch preceeding it.

Close round.? I would likely give the edge to Mitrione.

The third round wasn't nearly as close as the first two.? With Beltran clearly fatigued and slower, Mitrione controlled the far majority of the stanza with a variety of kicks, punches, and especially movement.? That said, the end of the bout saw both fighters put together an excellent exchange.

Mitrione deserved the victory, and the judges agreed.

Matt Mitrione defeats Joey Beltran by unanimous decision.

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Welcome To Guru John Locke's Self Defense Moves Blog


Welcome to Guru John Locke's self defense moves blog.

You will find many information regarding self defense moves here.

Take care.

Guru John Locke.