Friday, 31 May 2013
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Saturday, 25 May 2013
Friday, 24 May 2013
5 Training Tips To Win Silat Melayu Match
Silat Melayu is a martial art that's inherited by Malay's in Malaysia. It is originated from the big empire such as Malacca and Kedah Tua. However, in this modern era the word Silat Melayu is synonym with a silat competition that's held every year in Malaysia.
The scoring system in Silat Melayu competition is similar with Silat Olahraga. The differences are on the scoring marks and the artistic performance scores. However, most of the principles of the game emphasize more on silat skills. Any hard strikes will results on deduction of points. Thus, in order to win the competition you need to train specifically as mentioned in the Silat Malayu regulations.
Here are the five tips and explanations on how to win Silat Melayu match. There are;
1. You need to train 'Pelampas' regularly in order to produce supple movements. Pelampas is the name given for silat activities that can increase your silat skills. There are seven pelampas that you can train during free time. You need to train pelampas in order to improve your hand and leg movements in receiving attacks from your opponent.
2. You need to master the three striking techniques that known as '3 Buah Seni'. These three striking techniques are stabbing, chopping and hacking. The most important thing is how you can counter attack the opponent once he receives your strike. This is because in Silat Melayu match you are not allowed to strike to score point until he receive any one from three strikes described before from you. The first two movements from both exponents should be 'give and take' movements. The points will be counted once both exponents engaged between each other.
3. You need to train the catching technique regularly. The catching technique can help you to score more points if the opponent is new to the sport. This is because many new exponents like to kick rather punching. So, the ability to catch followed by topple down technique will award you three points in the match. If you successfully topple down your opponent three times in one round you will be the winner.
4. You need to master the sweeping technique. Many silat exponents do not like to use this technique due to the risk to be toppled down or locked by the opponent. However, it is the simple technique that can help you to score big point in the match.
5. You need to master the locking technique in order to win by technical knock-out. This is important because once you locked your opponent in the game in count of five, you will be the winner. However, you cannot lock the opponent with a technique that can break his bone.
These five silat tips can help you to win a Silat Melayu match. However you need to remember that the most important aspect is to show to the juries that you are the expert in the ring.
This article was submitted by Cikgu Nizam, an expert and world leading self defense and silat coach online. Did you find these tips on silat melayu article are useful? Find out more about self defense and silat by going to Silat Melayu Official Blog and get a FREE ebook there!
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Monday, 20 May 2013
Saturday, 18 May 2013
The Physiology Demands of Silat Olahraga
Silat olahraga is a famous silat sport in Malaysia. The high intensity of the fight requires silat exponents to stay fit in silat match. It is important to understand that a proper martial art training system can help exponent to win a silat match.
In order to develop a proper silat training workout, you need to understand several fitness factors that can influence your performance in silat olahraga such as energy system, fitness methodology and fighting ratio. This is because in order to improve your fitness components to compete in this competition, you need have a progressive training methodology to increase your aerobic and anaerobic system. The training should implements the specific circuit training that can mimic the actual movements of silat olahraga match. Several activities such as punching, kicking, toppling down, sweeping, jumping, throwing, gripping and shuttle runs can be used to produce specific silat circuit training.
The result of the proper training can help you to produce explosive strikes that can bring your opponent out of conscious. Thus, you need to build up your body in order to produce a powerful strike. A step by step strength training system can help you to develop the upper and lower body limbs in order to improve your strength. You need to make sure that you train with an experience strength conditioning instructor in order to help you to achieve your objective.
It is important to understand that on average the fighting ratio in silat olahraga match is 16 to 8 or 2 to 1 ratio. This means on average of 16 seconds activities occur during a silat fight, you will only have 8 seconds of rest time before proceeds to the next action. Thus, you need to understand that it is important to adjust to this ratio as it will helps you to get familiarize with the demand of silat match. Moreover, scientific research showed that the higher percentage of successful hits in silat olahraga is from punching technique. Thus, it is important to every silat exponent to master the punching technique in order to receive more points during the fight. However, you need to remember that two points will be awarded for every successful hit from kicking technique compare to one point given for every successful punch. So, both combination of the strikes will help you to win a silat fight instead of just relying on punching points.
The scientific study also proved that your maximum heart rate can reach 190 beats per minute (on average your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age) which shows us the high intensity level in silat fight. It is important for you to have a well-developed aerobic system to recover from the vigorous workouts during the fight. You can stay fit in the fight without any exhaustion that may influences your concentration in the silat olahraga match if you have a well-developed cardiovascular system. Thus, it is important to understand the intensity and demand of silat match in order to win the competition.
This article was submitted by Cikgu Nizam, an expert and world leading self defense and silat coach online. Did you find these tips on silat olahraga article are useful? Find out more about self defense and silat by going to Silat Olahraga Blog and get a FREE ebook there!
Friday, 17 May 2013
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Monday, 13 May 2013
Martial Art Training - 3 Insider Secrets on How to Kick Fast in Silat.
There are many reasons why people want to kick fast in martial art training. One of the reasons is to hit the opponent efficiently in order to win points in silat olahraga match. Many top silat exponents did not tell others on how they managed to kick fast in silat. But, many believe that in order to kick fast you need to have a good flexibility.
Thus, it is important to know how you can kick fast in silat. Here are three insider secrets that can help you to kick faster in silat;
1. Warm-up and stretching sessions should be between 30 - 45 minutes. In order to prepare your legs with vigorous activities during the silat training, you need to warm up both of your legs properly. Normally, the warm up session begin after the bunga silat training. But, it is better for you to start the warm up session earlier even before the coach arrives.
2. Kick faster not harder. If you are the beginner, you need to train how to kick correctly first. Then you need to train on how to kick faster by double the amount of kicks for every kicking session. You also can use stopwatch to count the number of kicks in 10, 20 or even 30 seconds.
3. Double the kick on weaker leg. No doubts that many silat exponents like to rely on their stronger leg. But, you should not be one of the statistics. You need to practise both legs in order to be a successful silat exponent. It is not easy but it is possible. What you need is just a simple formula. You need to double the amount of kicks for the weaker leg. This means for every 20 kicks with your dominant leg, you need to kick 40 times with your weaker leg. This formula helps many silat exponents to be able to improve their weaker leg speed and power.
The martial art training in silat emphasize on the ability of a person to master specific skills based on their own capability to cope with the silat training. However, most silat gurus will explain and determine your unique skills based on your achievement and ability in silat competition. The kicking technique is a perfect skill for you if your flexibility is good. However, if your flexibility is low it is time for you to find something that suite with your skills.
This article was submitted by Cikgu Nizam, an expert and world leading self defense and silat coach online. Did you find these tips on martial art training article are useful? Find out more about self defense and silat by going to Martial Art Training System Blog and get a FREE ebook there!
Saturday, 11 May 2013
Friday, 10 May 2013
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Tahniah – Tuan Guru Dr. Mohamad Nizam
July 13th, 2012
Written by: admin13 Julai 2012, Cardiff United Kingdom – Syukur dengan kuniaan Allah, dunia silat telah menerima pakar silat pertama di dunia yang berjaya memperolehi PhD dalam bidang kejurulatihan sukan. Kejayaan ini adalah milik bersama seluruh ahli dalam dunia persilatan kerana dapat mempertingkatkan lagi ilmu persilatan dari aspek kejurulatihan sains sukan. Di samping itu, kejayaan ini adalah milik rakyat Malaysia kerana berjaya melahirkan seorang PAKAR SILAT yang menguasai kedua-dua bidang amali dan teori.
Menurut Guru Dr. Nizam yang dihubungi di Cardiff, beliau merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada Kerajaan Malaysia di atas sokongan yang diberikan, PESAKA, para guru dan pesilat di Pusat Cemerlang Silat dan juga individu bernama Anuar Abdul Wahab yang membimbing beliau sehingga ke peringkat ini. Beliau berharap lebih ramai lagi mereka yang berminat mengkaji dunia persilatan akan mendapat motivasi di atas kejayaan beliau ini.
Kajian beliau yang bertajuk ‘ Influence of age and maturation on fitness development, trainability and competitive performance in youth silat‘ telah mendapat pujian daripada pemeriksa luar yang berpendapat kajian pertama dalam bidang combat sport ini berjaya mengumpul bukti-bukti berdasarkan sumber-sumber sukan beladiri lain yang ada di dunia akademik dan menyelesaikan permasalahan berkaitan kaedah latihan khasnya remaja yang terlibat dalam sukan silat. Kajian ini adalah merupakan kajian multi-discipline sport science yang mengguna-pakai kaedah performance analysis (newly developed area regarding game analysis), eksasais fisiologi, sport conditioning, dan juga bidang sport performance (fitness transference to competition).
Selain itu kajian Guru Dr. Mohamad Nizam ini telah dibentangkan di;
1. World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport 8, Magdeburg, Germany, September 2008.
2.3rd International Workshop of the International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport, Lincoln, London, April 2009.
3. 5th ISN International Sports Medicine and Sports Science Conference 2011, Kuala Lumpur, September 2011.
Diharapkan kepakaran beliau ini dapat digunakan untuk membantu mutu sukan silat di Malaysia seperti di MSN, ISN, kementerian-kementerian, pusat-pusat latihan silat dan beladiri serta pertubuhan-pertubuhan silat yang berhasrat mempertingkatkan mutu sukan pesilat mereka. Beliau yang kini pensyarah di Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur telah berjaya menubuhkan Kelab Silat UM dan mendapat sokongan penuh pihak universiti dan juga PESAKA dalam memajukan sukan silat di peringkat universiti-universiti di Malaysia.
Pusat Cemerlang Silat amat berasa bertuah dan bangga dengan kejayaan ini. Kami berharap kejayaan ini dapat meningkatkan semangat kepada para pesilat PCS yang sedang belajar di samping bergiat aktif dalam bidang silat. Semoga Tuan Guru Dr. Mohamad Nizam Mohamed Shapie dapat menyambung segala usaha yang ditinggalkan oleh Allahyarham Tuan Haji Anuar Abdul Wahab dalam memertabatkan Silat Malaysia di Malaysia dan juga di antarabangsa.
View the original article here
Sunday, 5 May 2013
SILAT : 7 ASAS GERAK LANGKAH SILAT oleh Almarhum Tuan Haji Anuar Abd Wahab
Pertemuan Bersama Guru Utama
Alhamdullilah didahului dengan syukur kepada Allah yang Maha Esa yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan keredaanNya, selawat dan salam kepada junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW dan keluarganya serta sekelian sahabatnya. Dengan doa selamat sejahtera kepada seluruh guru, jurulatih, pesilat PSGFM dari yang serumpun dan sebenih dengannya. Amin.
Guru Utama Pertubuhan Seni Gayung Fatani Malayia (PSGFM), Tuan Guru Aminuddin Hj. Anuar terus amanah menjalankan tanggungjawab beliau selaku Guru Utama & Pengerusi PSGFM apabila melakukan pertemuan bersama-sama AJK Tertinggi PSGFM dan juga ahli-ahli di Lembah Klang.
Beliau yang baru tiba dari Sandakan Sabah pada hari Isnin lepas telah di sambut olah Setiusaha dan Bendahari PSGFM di Lapangan Terbang Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) menerusi pesawat Air Asia.
Pertemuan yang berlangsung di Universiti Malaya ini dimeriahkan lagi dengan kehadiran Guru Tua, Tuan Guru Salehuddin Abdul Wahab yang hadir dari Kajang. Antara intipati pertemuan bersama Tuan Guru adalah:
- beliau mengajak setiap ahli bersatu-pada dalam menjalankan aktiviti pertubuhan kerana PSGFM adalah sebuah pertubuhan yang berjaya di Malaysia dan di antarabangsa.
- beliau juga menyeru para ahli untuk mendaftar keahlian semula supaya pengurusan PSGFM terbaru dapat menyemak daftar pesilat untuk memudahkan pengesanan bakat bersilat dan gelanggang yang aktif.
- beliau juga menerangkan bahawa para jurulatih supaya gigih ‘bergelanggang’ kerana pengalaman ini akan membantu setiap jurulatih dalam mengenal kekuatan dan kelemahan setiap perkara yanga berlaku di dalam industri ini. Tambahan ramai orang-orang lama di dalam pertubuhan silat yang hanya pandai bercakap dan memberi pandangan tetapi tidak mempunyai gelanggang melatih pesilat untuk naik menggantikan tempat mereka.
- beliau juga menasihati para AJK supaya memulakan gerak-kerja yang diberikan kerana amanah ini amat besar kepada setiap ahli yang memegang jawatan dalam PSGFM. Sikap tunggu dan lihat dalam menjalankan sesuatu tugasan hanya akan melambatkan pengurusan silat dan menyusahkan orang lain. Jadi para AJK perlu saling bantu-membantu dalam menjulang nama PSGFM gah di arena persilatan dunia.
Jesteru itu, diharapkan para ahli PSGFM dapat meneruskan dan mengambil tindakan di atas segala amanat yang diberikan oleh Tuan Guru Aminuddin Anuar.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Persembahan Silat di EKSPO BUKU ISLAM II, Putrajaya
Sila Hubungi
PSGFM sentiasa memberikan kerjasama dan sokongan kepada anda. Tidak kira di mana anda berada, sekiranya anda memerlukan sebarang maklumat berhubung latihan, seminar, pakej jangka pendek, pengambaran, pembelian produk-produk serta apa jua persoalan mengenai Silat, sila hubungi kami.
Kami berbesar hati untuk membantu ahli,dan peminat silat sama ada yang baru ataupun yang sedia ada. Sokongan dan komitmen yang anda berikan amat kami hargai. Kami akan membalas email anda dalam masa 24-48 jam (hari bekerja). Untuk sebarang pertanyaan, pendaftaran dan tempahan sila hubungi kami:
Malaysia : +6019-324 4038 / +6017-344 6272
Antarabangsa : +6017-344 6272
Email :
Thursday, 2 May 2013
PSGFM di Pejabat Pesuruhjaya Sukan Malaysia