Thursday 30 September 2010

Self Defense Moves to Become a Better Fighter!

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Having a mixture of martial arts types from different countries and cultures will help diversify your range of motion and skill for your body type. Increasing your fitness and muscular endurance while preparing you physically and psychology for the types of assaults and attacks.

Depending on what art you choose you may even learn some good self defense drills and techniques from these types of martial arts!

Many people ask if the modern day black belt teaching martial arts is actually equipped with real experience for teaching self defense and martial arts from a street attack perspective. After all, martial arts are designed to defend ones self, and if you are being taught theory and rehearsed drills you will suffer badly in a real assault and defense.

You need to be able to incorporate the fight stress element, the real feel of pain and the ability to adapt to the stress levels and perform with set drills and tools to defend and cause damage with using various strikes, pressure points, street fighting kicks & punches fired off round after round while maintaining mental calm and breathing fully.

I recommend from personal experience that you incorporate different types of martial arts styles and design your own combat system based on your skill level, your body type, your size, your range of speed, your timing, your instincts, and your abilities acquired through training.

Hone in on what works that requires ruthless aggression and meditate on being the aggressor in a real street fight and attack with reckless abandon. Be sure to cover up block and defend but also attack with fury, intelligently with a calm and relaxed mind. Utilize the best techniques that you can mentally absorb and memorize for easier deployment amongst the various styles you practice.

To make things flow easier grab the best techniques from every style through taking classes, or absorbing them through books, online videos and of course actual physical practice. Remember that in a street assault there is no such thing as Hollywood style moves that work.

Focus on what works keeping the fight on your feet with you as the dominant aggressor, no matter how badly the outlook may seem. Remember to use common sense and judgment. Just the other day I had a thug bump into me on the subway system. He called me on to fight, I shrugged him off apologized and walked away from a possible situation.

Thankfully I walked away because within a minute he had two thug friends appear out of nowhere I would have had to fight if I blew my cool and allowing myself to fight for a lame reason.

You want your depth of types of martial arts and self defense knowledge to be as full & complete as possible adding in new tested information and throwing away what doesn't work. Remember to only practice and use what works in real life hand to hand combat.

Secondly do serious weight training and daily stretching and exercising to better physically condition yourself for any possible attacks.

Something I recommend you do right now is downloading my two free self defense reports that reveal brutal self defense tactics for free!

Get a blackbelt education for free and get armed to the teeth with fighting knowledge! Get your 2 self defense reports at:

You can take your self defense and martial arts training to whole new levels when you read these shocking tell all reports. Based on my experience fighting behind prison bars, I show you real techniques and dirty self defense techniques to dominate and destroy!

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